StakeEasy: Liquid Staking Protocol for $ARCH Token

3 min readJul 12, 2023


StakeEasy has previously launched the liquid staking on Secret network and Juno network which is now set to embark on a new journey with Archway. The eagerly awaited launch of StakeEasy on Archway brings forth an innovative liquid staking protocol designed to elevate the staking experience and offer users better opportunities.

At the core of StakeEasy’s model lies the concept of dual derivative tokens.

  • seTOKEN: The seTOKEN is an auto-compounded token, designed to optimize staking rewards for users. It offers an automated compounding feature, allowing users to maximize their staking returns without any manual intervention.
  • bTOKEN: The bTOKEN is a manual reward token that provides users with the flexibility to manually claim their staking rewards. This token empowers users with greater control over their staking rewards and enables them to manage their DeFi strategy according to their preferences.

Liquid staking with StakeEasy on Archway will serve as a bridge between staked assets and the broader DeFi ecosystem. By minting derivative tokens, StakeEasy will enable users to unlock the value of their staked $ARCH tokens and participate in various DeFi activities without compromising their staking position.

This’ll open up an array of opportunities for yield generation, trading and diversification for $ARCH holders all while ensuring the underlying staked assets remain secure and actively participating in the Archway network.

With StakeEasy, stakers on Archway can effortlessly stake their $ARCH tokens and mint derivative tokens, which represent their staked position. These derivative tokens can then be utilized within DEXes, lending platforms or yield farming protocols, offering users the freedom to explore different avenues of earning and growth while their original staked assets continue to secure the network.

Let’s take a closer look at the features that make StakeEasy different:

  • Dual- Derivative Tokens: With StakeEasy LSD model, you’ll have access to two derivative tokens: $seARCH and $bARCH. These tokens unlock a world of possibilities for maximizing your rewards. No more waiting for long unlocking periods or losing out on potential trading opportunities, all thanks to LSDfi.
  • Gas improvements: We have optimized gas usage to make transactions more cost-effective and efficient.
  • Cleaner and smoother user interface: Navigate through the platform seamlessly and enjoy a user-friendly interface.

StakeEasy is more than just a user-friendly platform for liquid staking. It incorporates advanced security measures by leveraging the underlying blockchain networks, ensuring the highest level of security and reliability for users’ assets. With a commitment to constant innovation, shaping the future of decentralized finance by exploring hidden features and unlocking new opportunities within the growing DeFi ecosystem.

Get ready to experience the future of effortless staking and explore the potential of StakeEasy on Archway. Stay tuned for updates and join us on this exciting journey as we reshape the staking landscape together!

StakeEasy official links:




IBC enables Liquid staking protocol for cosmos ecosystem.