StakeEasy upgraded model is live on mainnet!

2 min readJun 27, 2023


Exciting news for all liquid staking enthusiasts! StakeEasy has just launched its upgraded model on the mainnet for Secret network. This release brings a whole new level of control and flexibility to your $SCRT staking experience. In this article, we will delve into the details, explore its features.
Let’s take a closer look at the features that make this model a game-changer:

  • Dual- Derivative Tokens: With StakeEasy’s new model, you now have access to two derivative tokens: $seSCTRT and $bSCRT. These tokens unlock a world of possibilities for maximizing your staking rewards while maintaining liquidity.
  • Upgraded to CosmWasm 1.0 contracts: Our advanced contract infrastructure ensures improved performance and reliability.
  • Implementation of Snip-25 based tokens: Experience enhanced privacy and security in your staking activities.
  • Gas improvements: We have optimized gas usage to make transactions more cost-effective and efficient.
  • Cleaner and smoother user interface: Navigate through the platform seamlessly and enjoy a user-friendly interface.

The enhanced StakeEasy model brings a host of benefits:

  1. Maximizing Staking Rewards: Whether you prefer automated compounding with $seSCRT or manual reward claiming with $bSCRT, StakeEasy ensures you make the most of your staking rewards.
  2. Seamless Liquidity: With $seSCRT and $bSCRT, you can maintain liquidity while staking your assets. No more waiting for long unlocking periods or losing out on potential trading opportunities, all thanks to LSDfi.
  3. Staking Strategy: The two-derivative token approach allows you to customize your staking strategy according to your preferences and offers the best of both worlds.

Additionally, this new upgrade opens up exciting DeFi opportunities for your assets. By combining the power of liquid staking with the expanding DeFi ecosystem, you’ll have the potential to unlock a wide range of opportunities according to your preferences. Get ready to dive into the world of decentralized finance and maximize the potential of your staked assets.

Stake your $SCRT here:

StakeEasy is more than just a user-friendly platform for liquid staking. It incorporates advanced security measures by leveraging the underlying blockchain networks, ensuring the highest level of security and reliability for users’ assets. With a commitment to constant innovation, shaping the future of decentralized finance by exploring hidden features and unlocking new opportunities within the growing DeFi ecosystem.

Exciting times lie ahead, and we can’t wait to share more details with you soon.

StakeEasy official links:




IBC enables Liquid staking protocol for cosmos ecosystem.