StakeEasy user guide to stake $SCRT

5 min readAug 31, 2022


How you can:
1. Stake your $SCRT.
2. Use your $seSCRT(StakeEasy’s derivative token for $SCRT) in various DeFi use cases to earn maximum yield.
3. Unstake your $seSCRT.
4. Check your account statistics.
5. Check protocol statistics, contract information & validators information.

StakeEasy — Privacy preserving Liquid staking solution for Secret Network — Live on Mainnet!

Follow the steps outlined in this guide to Stake $SCRT with StakeEasy & get a liquid token which can be used in DeFi.
But before you get started, If you’re new to the Secret Network ecosystem, you will need to complete a few preliminary steps.

Note: The APY rates in the included screenshots may change with time.

Step 1: Create a Keplr Wallet account.
To interact with Secret Network, you will need to connect your Keplr wallet. Set the network to Secret Network.
Step2: After installing Keplr wallet extension, you’ll get an interface like this.We have some $SCRT tokens in our wallet. Go here to install the app.

For Installation Guide for Keplr Browser Extension, visit here.

How to connect Keplr wallet with StakeEasy app

Step1: Head over to StakeEasy app.
Select the “ Connect” button on top of the the left corner, after that a pop will appear on the screen to unlock the app like this.

Step2: Unlock the wallet by entering your password & your wallet is connected.

How to stake your $SCRT

Step1: click on STAKE button & you will be prompted to select your desired amount amount of $SCRT you want to stake. When you input your desired deposit amount of $SCRT, you’ll automatically see number of $seSCRT (derivative token for $SCRT) that you’ll get after Staking $SCRT

Step2: Click on ‘Stake SCRT’ button to stake (and approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up) to broadcast the transaction.

You have now successfully staked your $SCRT. You can check all your Balances within the app (from balance bar on right side).

How to use your $seSCRT in DeFi

StakeEasy has DeFi page within the app to remove the complexity and give users a unified interface which is easier to use and understand.
You can see all $seSCRT use cases from this page.

If you want to provide liquidity to the pool while enjoying Staking Rewards

Click on ‘DeFi’ button.
: Select “Pool’’& click on “Deposit” button.
Step2: Enter the amount you want to deposit.
Step3: Click on “Add Liquidity” button and approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up to broadcast the transaction.

Step4: After adding liquidity, click on “Activate rewards” button to activate your LP rewards.

30 $seSCRT per day is allocated for LP rewards. So you’ll be getting additional yield in $seSCRT if you provide Liquidity while earning staking rewards.

Note: You can also add liquidity directly from Sienna Network app.

To Withdraw Liquidity

Step1: Switch to “Withdraw” section.
Step2: Enter the amount you want to withdraw.
Step3: Click on “Remove liquidity” button & approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up to broadcast the transaction.

You can either stake your SL (SiennaLend) tokens in their corresponding rewards contract to earn yield, or use $seSCRT as collateral to take out a loan.

To take out a Loan

Step1: Click on “supply” button on Lending.
Step2: Click on “Deposit” button, enter the desired amount & then click on “Deposit” to deposit it.
Step3: Approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up to broadcast the transaction.
Step4: Then click on “Activate Rewards” to activate your rewards.
Liquidity provider rewards for the $seSCRT market: 50 SIENNA/day while earning staking rewards.

To withdraw

Step1: Switch to “Withdraw” option.
Step2: Enter the amount you want to withdraw & Click on “Withdraw” button.
Step3: Approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up to broadcast the transaction.

To Claim your Rewards

To stake your SL- $seSCRT tokens in the rewards
Step1: Switch to “Claim: option.
Step2: Enter claimable amount & click on “Claim Rewards” button to claim it.

To Unstake Your $seSCRT

Step1: Switch to “UNSTAKE” option on the application & then you’ll be asking to fill the amount of $seSCRT you want to unstake.
Step2: Click on “Unstake seSCRT” button and approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up to broadcast the transaction.

Note: Unstaking takes 21–24 days to complete.

Users can check their Account statistics within the application.
Click on “Account” key to check.

Users can also check the protocol statistics, contract information & validator information just by clicking on “Protocol Stats” button.

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Written by StakeEasy

IBC enables Liquid staking protocol for cosmos ecosystem.

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