StakeEasy’s user guide to stake $JUNO

4 min readSep 5, 2022


How you can:
1. Stake your $JUNO.
2. Convert amongst $seJUNO and $bJUNO each other instantly.
3. Unstake your $seJUNO/$bJUNO.

Step 1: Create a Keplr Wallet account.
To interact with JUNO Network, you will need to connect your Keplr wallet. Set the network to JUNO Network.
Step2: After installing Keplr wallet extension, you’ll get an interface like this. We have some $JUNO tokens in our wallet. Go here to install the app.

For Installation Guide for Keplr Browser Extension, visit here.

How to connect Keplr wallet with StakeEasy app

Step1: Head over to StakeEasy app.
Select the “ Connect” button on top of the the left corner, after that a pop will appear on the screen to unlock the app like this.

Step2: Unlock the wallet by entering your password & your wallet is connected.

How to stake your $JUNO

Step1: click on “Stake/Unstake’’ button & you’ll be prompted to select your desired amount amount of $JUNO you want to stake.
Step2: Switch to get $seJUNO or $bJUNO (both are derivative token for $JUNO) according to your preference

Note: To know about the difference between $seJUNO & $bJUNO
please read this article on $seJUNO and $bJUNO, what’s the difference?

Step3: Input your desired deposit amount of $JUNO, you’ll automatically see number of $seJUNO/$bJUNO (whatever you have chosen among them) that you’ll get after Staking $JUNO

When you opt for $seJUNO
When you opt for $bJUNO

Step4: Click on ‘Stake JUNO’ button to stake (and approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up) to broadcast the transaction.

You have now successfully staked your $JUNO. You can check all your Balances within the app (from balance bar on right side)

If you want to convert between $seJUNO and $bJUNO
Step1: Switch to “Convert” option.
Step2: Enter the desired amount you want to convert between $seJUNO & $bJUNO
Step3: Click on “Convert” button to convert.
Step3: Approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up to broadcast the transaction & you have successfully converted your liquid token.

Note: You can choose to convert amongst each other instantly at any moment without ANY fee (no AMM required, hence no slippage).

How to Unstake your $seJUNO/ $bJUNO

Step1: Switch to “Unstake” option
Step2: Enter the desired amount you want to unstake
Step3: Click on “Unstake bJUNO/seJUNO” and approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up to broadcast the transaction & you have successfully converted your liquid token.

To Withdraw your $JUNO

Step1: Click on “Withdraw” button.
Step2: You can check the account stats & duration left for unstaking to complete.
Step3: After duration completes, you can claim your $JUNO by clicking on “Claim Amount” button
Step4: Approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up to broadcast the transaction & you have successfully completed the transaction.

To claim the Staking Rewards

Step1: Click on “Claim Rewards” button
Step2: Click on “ Claim Amount” button to claim tge unclaimed staking rewards.
Step3: Approve the transaction in the Keplr pop-up to broadcast the transaction & you have successfully completed the transaction.

Users can also check the protocol statistics, contract information & validator information just by clicking on “Protocol Stats” button.

Stake Your JUNO with StakeEasy at

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Written by StakeEasy

IBC enables Liquid staking protocol for cosmos ecosystem.

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